
Orange County Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Cuts in the Court System Budget

Recently the California State Legislature passed a budget which called for massive cuts in the funding for California’s court system. These spending cuts will no doubt cause many litigants to have justice delayed or even denied altogether. Hundreds of clerks in the San Francisco County court system have been given…


The Human Side of Illegal Immigration

A criminal defense lawyer must always be aware of whether his client is a citizen or not. A case can have huge a huge impact on a defendant’s life if he is not a citizen. Many city and county jails now screen their inmates to determine whether they are in…


Representing the Elderly in Criminal Matters In Orange County, CA

An elderly criminal defendant who commits a crime is in an especially difficult position. What does the criminal justice system do with a defendant who has violated the law but who is of an age where it makes no sense to put him in jail? An elderly defendant can be…


Jury Selection from a Defense Lawyer’s Perspective in a Gang Case

How does a lawyer conduct jury selection? What is he looking for? Why did he kick me off the jury panel? How could he think I wouldn’t be fair? Jury selection is sometimes called an inexact science at best. At worst, it’s like throwing darts at a target blindfolded and…

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